Saturday, August 14, 2010

St. Jonathan Myrick Daniels (1939-1965) - Seminarian, Martyr

O God of justice and compassion...
We give you thanks for your faithful witness, Jonathan Myrick Daniels...
and we pray that we, following his example,
may make no peace with oppression...

"Make no peace with oppression...":

of innocent Iraqi and Afghan citizens...
of women in the Sudan and Middle Eastern countries...
of sweatshop workers in China...
of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender people anywhere...
of Latino farmworkers and families...
of Muslim citizens exercising their legal rights to freedom of religion...
of aging and disabled persons...
of children subjected to any kind of abuse...
of Gulf Coast citizens by corporate greed, self interest, and defiling of the environment...
of people of color through racial profiling and subtle prejudice...

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